
Scam Watch.

ScamWatch – a page dedicated to putting on display examples of scam emails.

Learn to identify what a scam email looks like. What follows is a collection of emails that are scams.

They all attempt to get you to follow a link, enter passwords and give away your personal details.

NEVER follow links like these. They are from thiefs and scammers trying to steal your money or even worse, your identity.

Never ring phone numbers that pop up – they are NOT who they claim to be.


20th June 2023 – icloud storage scam

Learn to identify what a scam email looks like. What follows is a collection of emails that are scams.

They all attempt to get you to follow a link, enter passwords and give away your personal details.

NEVER follow links like these. They are from thiefs and scammers trying to steal your money or even worse, your identity.

Never ring phone numbers that pop up – they are NOT who they claim to be.

5th June 2023 – Amazon Prime & undeliverable parcel scam

Here we go with another scam email or two.

From undeliverable parcels ( yeh right !! ) to subscriptions to services I never asked for, those scam emails just keep on coming.

Watch out people, this is what they look like.

NEVER follow those links and NEVER call those numbers.

Scams Scams Scams !!

4th April – Six scams in one day

Must be the day for scam emails and texts, SO today I got 6 of them.

( but wait.. there’s more…. It’s only half way through the day – I’ll probably get more before the day is out )

The flavor of the month seems ot be Antivirus renewals – auto deductions..

The image below should give you an idea on what to watch out for.

And the hits just keep on coming…. They don’t let up do they ?

As always – block the numbers and don’t ever call them.
Another Scam, and another, and another, and another , well you get the idea….

As always :

Don’t fall for this kind of deceit…

Share the crap out of these images so people get to recognise what scam emails look like.



15th March – Amount already deducted – Scam.

Completed the transaction and received your order request.
A revised invoice is included here.
If you desire to cancel your respected order or if you have not given your consent to this transaction, contact customer care at
+61 (870) 825-460 – Sounds legit hey? NOT !!
And the hits just keep on coming…. They don’t let up do they ?
As always – block the numbers and don’t ever call them.
Another Scam, and another, and another, and another , well you get the idea….



14th March 2023, Sorting Centre Scam.

Just got another scam email, apparently Australia Post ( No it wasn’t really them ) have a parcel that is waiting for me but the address listed is incorrect.

Get this, all I have to do is follow that link ( but wait it’s a link in Germany apparently – now isn’t that strange, I always thought Australia Post was in Australia LOL.. )

And if I follow that link, and give them my credit card number they will make sure that the make believe, non existant parcel reaches my new address. And….. then they will have my credit card number too.

Are you detecting the sarcasm ?

As always :

Don’t fall for this kind of deceit…

Share the crap out of these images so people get to recognise what scam emails look like.


March 10, 2023 – ANZ Contact Details Scam

Seems like these scammers just never stop ( Actually, it’s true, they never stop do they ) Anyway…

Here’s another scam ( Via SMS ) that I got today.

It’s telling me that my ANZ contact details have been “updated” and to call the number or follow the link if it’s not correct.
Sure, let’s just jump straight into the fire…. NOT !!
SO, if you see an sms from these low lifes just block it and NEVER follow links like this on your phone.
If you have any concerns after getting a message like this, simply contact your bank DIRECTLY..
Never ring phone numbers that show up on these kind of scams. They are NOT who they claim to be.

March 10, 2023 – Coinbase Scam

It’s a common thread these scammers use, “Hey we’ve already taken your money – just call us if you want a refund. !!”

It’ a SCAM, NEVER call them, once they have your number you will get hammered by them.

Most often than not, the refund is not real either, they’ll claim they gave you too much of a refund and get you to “refund them” which means you are getting scammed and simply transfering money to them for nothing, or they get your credit card details or bank details and whoosh, your money is gone.

Never ring phone numbers that show up on these kind of scams. They are NOT who they claim to be.


Feb 28, 2023 – expired email password SCAM…

Got another one of these “your password is about to expire” scams today.

Obviously just another scammer trying to get access to my emails.

NOT TODAY PAL !! – Crawl back into the hole you came from you low life scammer !!


Feb 22, 2023 – Email password expiry scam.

Another email password expiry scam.

If you get an email looking like this one, claiming that your password is about to expire and you will be “logged out”, don’t beliece it, it’s just a scam.

If you were to follow that link, you would be prompted to enter your current password, the you would be greeted with a message saying that everything is fine now, your current password will not expire. Trouble is though, you would have just given the scammers full access to your emails.

Think about it…. they look throgh your emails, they see your financial statements, then they know who your bank is and what your account number is, so they try to log in to your bank, claim they have forgotten your password and the bank will promptly “email” a new one to you. The scammers get the email and woosh !! your money is gone.

Not to mention a whole range of other identity theft issues !!

NEVER follow links like this one and NEVER EVER enter your password when prompted to via an email. In particular in response to UNEXPECTED emails like this one.

If you have knowingly just requested a password reset from a service you have requested, only moments prior to receiving a password reset email, then it is probably legit.

Feb 21, 2023 Another Scam receipt

Got this one today – yep, they never stop…

This is a common one too, these scammers will send you a “receipt” telling you they have already taken the money from your account or your credit card. Then if you fall for their deceitand make contact with them, they will coaxe you into letting them into your pc ( they claim its so they can refund you ) next thing you know your bank account is enptied…

NEVER call these numbers ! – EVER !!

Don’t reply to them, just delete the emails.

Feb 13, 2023 Bitcoin Scam.

Found an old email I was keeping to add here from about a week ago. Yep , just another scam.

You may get a random email ( yes we have had customers who have received thos one ) thinking they have been hacked.

Naturally it’s a lie and a scam.

Don’t ever respond to these kind of emails. It’s important to understand that they are sent out on mass to litterally millions of people ( it’s automated )
Replying to them is like being in a herd of Zebras, the one that get’s noticed is the one that pops it’s head up.

Anyway – if you get scam emails like this one – do nothing, just press delete.

Feb 13, 2023 – MyGov Refund Scam.

So apparently there’s an orginization called MyGov Alerts, yeh seems like another scam to me.

Naturally you shouldn’t follow links like this one but the link clealy shows that it isn’t the ATO.

And…… they can’t even spell correctly ( No surprises there !! ) What is a “from” anyway LOL….

Don’t fall for this kind of deceit….


Feb 9, 2023 – WeTransfer Scam.

wetransfer is actually a good service for those who need help transferring large files ( too big for emails ) but this email was not from them, it was actually a scam.

Don’t fall for this kind of deceit….

Feb 9, 2023 – Restricted Message Scam.

OOH ! apparently I have 2 “restricted” messages and all I have to do is type in my email password and they will be “unrestricted” yeh right !!

Don’t ever follow those links, they get you to enter your email address and your login password and woosh, they are in. When they have access to your email, they have access to EVERYTHING !!

Feb 8, 2023 – Pending Messages Scam.

This one looks so convincing but it’s just as much a scam as the rest.
If you ever get an email saying that you have messages “on hold” or “pending” Don’t ever follow those links, they get you to enter your email address and your login password and woosh, they are in. When they have access to your email, they have access to EVERYTHING !!



Feb 3 2023 – Request for Money scam.

Ok this one is almost funny, rather than trying to scam me out of money – now they just ask outright ask you for it. But oh…. there’s a number there that I can ring if I feel it’s in error, and apparently they have already taken it anyway coz, didn’t i say it was ok? Well they can refund me if I give them my credit card details.. Yeh Right !!



Feb 3 2023 – Yet another Paypal invoice scam.

$533.99 for a paypal invoice, oh my.. I best call them right ? Coz I shouldn’t be getting billed for no reason… ARGH !!

What’s that number again.? 1300SCAMALERT (-;

Well they won’t be getting a call from me….




January 30 2023 – More postage scam.

And…. here’s another scam email. Apparently a parcel i am trying to send needs more postage on it.. Right… Quick, let me grab my credit card…. No wait…..Not this time buddy….
Don’t fall for this kind of deceit…. Share the crap out of these images so people get to recognise what scam emails look like.



January 23 2023 – Paypal purchase receipt scam.

Another scam email. Share it around Folks, the more we share what these scams look like, the less chance there is of people being scammed.


November 18 2022 – Another Nortons receipt scam.

And…. another scam email.
NEVER call the number guys, it’s just a scam.
The only reason they keep doing this is because Sooo….. many people keep falling for it.
We need to pass stuff like this around as aggressively as we can, get the word out and let people know what these email scams look like. Share share share….
Hopefully if enough people get to see what these scams look like, less people will get ripped off !!..



November 12 2022 – Unpaid Toll road scam. 

Seems like these days there’s just no getting a break from scammers.
As always guys watch out for this kind of rubbish. Just another scammer. Go ahead and block that number….

 November 2 2022 – Prime Video Receipt Scam.

And Yet Another SCAM just arrived in my INBOX.
( that makes two in one day )
Watch out for this email people, it’s just a scam DO NOT ring the number, if you see this email – just delete it.
If you do call them they will claim they have already taken the money and ask for your credit card details so they can refund you… ( more lies )
Share this one if you would, there are so many scams going around at the moment, quite frankly it’s disgusting.
The only reason they do it is because people keep falling for the lies.
Share – Share – Share and help others become aware…

November 2 2022 – Another Nortons purchase scam. 

Another SCAM just arrived in my INBOX.
Watch out for this email people, it’s just a scam DO NOT ring the number, if you see this email – just delete it.
If you do call them they will claim they have already taken the money and ask for your credit card details so they can refund you… ( more lies )
Share this one if you would, there are so many scams going around at the moment, quite frankly it’s disgusting.
The only reason they do it is because people keep falling for the lies.
Share – Share – Share and help others become aware…


August 31 2022 – Fake Nortons receipt.

And…. the scammers are at it again.
I just received this email telling me that they have taken the money from my credit card and to call them if i didn’t order the product so i can get a refund.
Yeh NAH !! It’s a scam.
NEVER NEVER NEVER call numbers like this – all they do is ask you for your credit card number to affect the “refund” which of course never happens because they never took the money in the first place.
All you are doing is being conned and giving away your credit card details.
If you get emails like this, JUST DELETE THEM .
p.s. I don’t even have Nortons…
Oh.. here’s the email address it came from :
Procurement_Desk <>
Go ahead and add that one to your Block list…


 April 1 2022 – Fake netbanking notification, trying to get you to provide personal details.

Here’s another email scam I just received.
Watch out for this one if you get it.
Obviously DO NOT FOLLOW LINKS in emails like this one.
It’s a scam.


October 12 2021 – email password scam, attempting to get you to type your email password into a fake website.  

Scam emails – what to watch out for : ( Yes – i got another one today )
So I got another email from one of my customers this morning, concerned that he had received an email ( seeming to have come from himself ) telling him that his “account details” were about to expire and if he didn’t follow the link in the email, his account would soon be closed.
Argh !!
Naturally these emails are nothing more than a lie, trying to steal your passwords.
The attached photo shows what the result would have been if he had of followed the link.
( I have changed the details a bit for his privacy )
4 photos :
1, The link takes you to a website that tricks you into entering your email password ( NOTE the web address though. Somewhere in Germany – NOT his actual email server location )
2, ( I changed the domain name to keep his name private but the example still shows what would happen ) He enters in his email address and password and then clicks on login.
3, Instead of it going to his emails, it ALWAYS says oops wrong password – try again ( this is how they make sure they get your password correct )
4, Then on the second attempt it simply takes you to the website matching your email address ( Changed for this example ) making you think that everything is fine now and you think nothing more of it.
However… Now they get access to your emails, which means bank statements, credit card statements, etc, etc, etc, they try to log in to your bank, claim they have forgotten the password and the bank will then simply send a new password to ….. guess where?… your email……and by then the crooks have access to your email… I’m sure you can figure out the rest.
Now your bank, emails, paypal, ebay, etc etc is at risk.
Hope this info helps just a little folks…. Ron.
If you think this message can help someone – share it. The more people know about this sort of thing the safer they will be.

April 2 2020 – Covid 19 scam. claiming i have emails being held back from delivery.

Watch out Ladies and Gents, there’s another low life scum bunch of people going around trying to con people out of God only knows what and they are using the Corona Virus as a way of conning you.
Today I got this email pretending to be a legitimate “issue” with my mail server, and if I were to follow the link they provided, they would fix my email issues. Yeh right !!
The link would have taken me to a website located in South Africa and obviously not to my actual web server.
I normally laugh when scammers try to con a Computer tech but this one just goes too far.
Even when the world is in such a state as it is at the moment with people dying, they still don’t give a shit and prey on people who are easily confused by technology.
Never Never Never follow links sent to you in emails from people you don’t know.
Rather go directly to the website and deal with the issues from there. If in doubt, contact your organisation / bank / health insurance / car insurance – what ever the apparent matter is about and deal with them directly.
I never think ill of people but these animals don’t deserve any sympathy. People like this make me sick !!!


September 19 2017 – claiming to have taken $109.09 from my credit card to pay for icloud storage.

Another scam attempt from some thief trying to steal my money or infect my computer / phone with viruses. They always look so convincing. But look at my email address. “”
The lesson here is always check your emails thoroughly and always be dubious.


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