Little Red Button

Way back in March 18 2014 I did a post about power socket blues in which I spoke about going the extra mile.

Well…. it happened again – Us, going the extra mile I mean.

Read on…..

A couple of days ago a customer brought us their machine saying – it just wont boot. When i press the power button.. nothing. It should be a “simple job”.

Can we quote to fix it ?

Well like any “simple job”, it never turns out that way. Here’s how the snowball kept getting bigger and bigger….

Turns out the button on the front of the case was fine, it presses a switch mounted on the case underneath the face plate of the computer. But it turned out to be the switch which was faulty. Somehow it was shattered. Easy we thought just replace it with another one, after all they are really common right ?

Not so. The switch was a unique shape and size and impossible to replace as parts for this simply don’t exist anymore.

Ok then whats the next step? Normally we would suggest replacing the computer case. Probably more expensive than was originally planned but it is normally a “workable” solution.

Once again – this time, not the case. Turns out the motherboard has connectors and a usb interface that will only work in the original case. Changing the case was not an option.

We were faced with having to pretty much replace the whole computer because without an “on” button it simply could not be used. Which was crazy because all that was stopping this computer from working was a $5.00 switch.

Then along came Quick Solve Computers.

A quick consultation and explanation to the customer on what our “plan” was and they gave us the go ahead.

It turned out to be a simple solution of replacing the original switch with a 3rd party one, making a hole in the case and bypassing all the original stuff.

Presto… now the computer works and at a fraction of the cost of a new machine.

The customer is happy, we are happy and another campfire tale is born… (-;

Quick Solve Computers… We really do go the extra mile.



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